We’re proud of the work our clients have put in. They usually come to us with one or two issues they want to fix and they receive so much more. When you heal your body, many things can change. Things you thought were “Normal” actually end up being something that could be improved or fixed with the right diet.
This is life changing work and life changing skills you will learn! Read below how these past clients have changed their life and health.

Over the last year I was having back pain and nerve pain on my leg, ribs, forearm and head. Over that period I had 20+ blood tests, X-rays of my back and lungs, multiple MRI’s and CT scans trying to find a way to help with that pain. But the most significant thing I did decide to enroll in the rewind nutrition program, 3 months later my nerve pain is gone and back pain has significantly improved… I can’t thank you guys enough for all the help

When I decided to take a leap and start working with Rewind, I was out of options and ready to do just about anything to turn my health around. I’ve been suffering from gut health issues for most of my life, and after trying some seriously scary elimination diets (NO sodium, for example) my doctors recommended that I admit to the hospital for antibiotics to “restart” my gut bacteria. As a nurse, I know how drastic something like that is, and it just didn’t seem like this could be my only option. In the next 12 weeks, I completely changed everything I thought could never be fixed with diet and gained so much more. Rae and Gui were completely supportive and available to me from day 1, and were consistent with their support and cheerleading throughout the entire experience. It made all the difference to have all of my “wins” celebrated big or small, and kept me accountable to not only what I was doing, but more importantly WHY.
I spent years in school learning about the human body, and what we are taught that “health” is. My mind was blown by the mass amounts of misinformation we are all so readily willing to accept without digging any deeper- I can tell you firsthand just how much my health, both mental and physical, has improved since implementing the things I’ve learned from Rae and Gui over the past few months. I’ve lost about 15lbs since starting and seen a huge change in my body shape as well, (take the pictures, you will want them later!) but also had a ton of unexpected benefits. I no longer suffer from chronic nightmares, I have a normal, healthy, functioning GI tract for the first time maybe ever, and I even was able to decrease my thyroid medication that has only ever gone up since being diagnosed 12 years ago. If you put the work in, you’ll get results. I truly have changed my lifestyle and will never go back, plus I get the added benefit of Rae and Gui as my friends and support moving forward! I will be forever grateful for this process and the people behind Rewind.

Guys! I’m a walking success story! Perimenopause is a bi#@h! That long long ago November hell that started me on my Rewind nutrition journey has been an absolute life changing event…
By Week 1 I was crying on the phone to my coaches about how much better I felt just waking up in the morning.
By Week 2 I discovered my lost love for red meat. I thought it had been the reason for my tummy aches in the past and I was wrong, it was the f#$@% legumes and processed bread I was eating with my steak each time!!!
Week 3 my cellulite had vanished! poof, gone! I notice it comes back, and my tummy aches as well, when I eat processed bread which is now mostly out of my life.
Week 4 I looked and felt amazing! I was able to stop taking my “psych meds” in June after the program. My anxiety and my anger issues have moved out. The little “she-hulk” I carried around with me forever is no longer around. I feel her come back from time to time when I eat fresh tomatoes, and I could eat a whole garden of tomatoes and miss them so, but they alter my mood like nothing I’ve ever experienced.
I did lose weight in this process, and it was all in the correct spots. Like my muffin top, inner thighs as I changed my relationship with food. Finding food I like to eat was hard at first because I’m so picky. I hope I’d start liking fish and the other weird foods like tripe and oxtail, but for now I’m super happy with my Italian beef, ribeyes, stew beef minus the veggies and hamburgers!!!!
I highly recommend Rewind Nutrition, they helped me lose unwanted weight, get off many of my meds, helped my moods and hormones!! LIFE SAVERS!


Hello everyone, all I can say is that Rewind has put me way ahead of schedule to a permanent change in my life.
I already knew about the Keto diet and intermittent fasting but I lacked the focus and proper motivation to start my full body renovation. I was looking for a good program for men aged 40 years and up. I’m 47 now and wanted to look good before I turn 50.
Gui and Rae took me under their wing and gave me the proper guidance. I started my journey at 260lbs, needing a CPAP, and had knee pain. At the end of the 12 weeks I was 45lbs lighter, lon and have the tools I need to continue my journey. I no longer need a CPAP and I can sleep with my partner again and my joint pain is gone. I have the tools now to continue my health journey!
Since the end of the 12 weeks I am still losing weight and working hard on building a tight physique. Gui and Rae work with your schedule and help you find what works for you. If you are willing to put in the work and you are serious about making a permanent change then I highly recommend coaching with Rewind. I’m forever grateful to you guys for helping change my life for the better.

I have no words to thank Rewind who helps a lot on this journey !!! Exactly 3 months ago I was discouraged, with terrible exam results, as it had been happening for some time… when a friend told me about Gui, I wanted to know more, I wanted to know the program and at each meeting I got more excited and at each achievement happier … the result is wonderful
IT IS NOT A DIET, it is about choices, quality of life, what to really eat, there are so many teachings that we always have a lot to talk about!
My exams today are great, I even brag! I have more energy, better moods, higher self esteem, even my sleep quality is better!!! My results are really great!
I confess that in the first week, I thought I wouldn’t make it, it was really hard, if it weren’t for Gui, I don’t even know!
Rewind my best choice was you, I SUPER RECOMMEND for everyone!!! And believe it is possible, you just have to want and persevere

Rewind Nutrition has been the most impactful health program I have participated in and has been pivotal in understanding how food choices affect my overall physical and mental wellness. Gui and Rae are fun to work with, and, in addition to providing an awesome curriculum and knowledge base, walked me through week-by-week dietary changes that moved me towards a sustainable and tasty ketogenic-based diet. The best way I can describe how the diet feels is like switching from a gasoline car that shifts gears, to an electrical car that smoothly accelerates in one go. I now spend less time cooking and eat more satisfying food. My skin and hair is healthier, my mind is sharper, I sleep better, have better muscle tone, and love the compliments I get from friends and family. Rewind Nutrition has given me a new perspective and I recommend the program to all.

I’ve tried many different diets, to lose weight or build muscle, some worked, some didn’t, but even the ones that worked, only worked on my appearance, I still had many other issues that I didn’t know were caused by my nutrition. When I started this nutrition program, I was a little skeptical, but in less than a month I had reached my weight goal and not only that, I had improved my sleep, I no longer had any heartburn whatsoever, I felt more energized… then I realized that the correct nutrition is the best treatment for things that I thought were supposed to be treated with medications!
Thank you for that Rewind Nutrition!

If you’re willing to put in the work, you’ll get results.
It wasn’t an easy decision for me to commit to 3 months with Rewind. I figured there was enough information out there for me to lose weight on my own if I just put my mind to it; and it worked, a little. I joined a gym, I ate less carbs and sugar and I lost a few pounds. Then I stalled out. I stopped losing weight, lost my momentum and became frustrated with myself.
I needed a change and I needed help to do it. I wasn’t looking for a fad diet I wanted to change my life. Rewind taught me how to read nutrition labels, how to listen to my body and how to get back on plan when I stumble. I learned that my body is sensitive to dairy and caffeine, that exercise doesn’t mean I have to run a mile and that I actually enjoy intermittent fasting (something I never thought possible).
After 3 months of hard work I reached my goal weight and felt motivated enough to set a new goal. I am down 2 pant sizes, 2 cup sizes and 7 lbs. Gui and Rachael gave me the support and education to create a healthy lifestyle that works for me.

Luiz Fernando
I started this new health journey after a health scare that put me in the hospital.
After beating colon cancer and spending all that time in the hospital recovering I did not want to be in a hospital setting any longer.
My blood pressure had been high for a while and overall poor digestion have been plaguing me for some time too.
So I finally made the decision to take control of my health and educate myself on how we’re suppose to eat.
Having a son as a certified nutritionist made this decision easier.
Gui had been bugging me for a while to change my diet and habits to feel better and have chronic symptoms subside.
I had some trouble at the beginning, but Gui was able to pinpoint my issues and fixed the problem quickly.
One of my favorite wins was learning that red meat wasn’t what was causing my gut issues like I was told all my life and it was actually what I was having with the red meat. I got over my fear of red meat and now get to eat it whenever I want.
After 12 weeks not only did my symptoms of poor digestion, high blood pressure and constant hunger go away but I also lost 5 inches in my waist and 25 lbs overall.

I have constantly struggled with mid-day dips in energy and anxiety attacks, which led to complete breakdowns. It was starting to have a debilitating effect on my life. I had tried meditation on my own as well as eating, what I believed, was a healthy diet, and countless other remedies. Nothing helped. When Rachael and Gui told me to just give it 3 months of trying this diet with them, I was very suspicious of how and if I would see any changes.
I’ve never been more pleasantly surprised.
It wasn’t easy in the beginning. I realized very quickly that it wasn’t just my diet that was going to be changing, but my lifestyle as well.
Within a few weeks, I started to notice that I had more energy that was consistent throughout the day, but that my overall attitude got an upgrade as well. I started to listen to what my body would tell me when something was working and when other things needed more attention. My relationship with my body suddenly became the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in!
I’m so grateful for Rachael and Gui guiding me through the changes, teaching me the truth about what certain foods do to our bodies, and for being my cheerleaders when things were tough. I now have all the tools I need to conquer my anxiety, busy (and inconsistent) schedule, and wear a genuine smile all the while.

I have always believed that connecting with ourselves was the way to self-esteem and self-love.
But during this journey of looking at myself, one perspective was still missing: food.
How can I let go of the “child’s palate” that has accompanied me for 36 years?
That was when my body was already showing signs that I needed to change… and so I began a journey that has been changing my life.
More than changing eating habits, Gui helped me understand my triggers, taught me the power of food, and even supported me when temptations were present.
What have I been gaining since then?
Intangibles: quality of sleep, quality in my daily life, lighter moods, greater physical energy, mental acuity, and a connection with my body that I had never experienced.
Tangibles: improvements in cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, general vitamin levels.
Meanwhile improving skin, hair, nails and toning my body.
However, what impresses people the most is the shedding of, so far, 8kg (18lbs).
I am very grateful for the program, and especially for the passion of Gui and Rachael for being so inspiring and motivating!
Love you guys! Thank you SO MUCH!

During the course of my Rewind coaching program, I experienced changes in my health and overall functioning that would significantly alter the course of my life. You could say “a fire was put under my ass”
I was compelled to learn how to start cooking my own meals and to take 100% ownership of my food program instead of depending on my wife, which, for me, is nothing less than precedent-setting.
The experience was synonymous with taking the “red pill” of nutrition, dispelling some major myths about red meat, cholesterol and a diet high in fat in particular that have been promoted by the food industry for some time now. Gui & Rachel worked extremely well in tandem, broke down difficult concepts into their component parts, kept the material stimulating, and had shared lifestyles/values that strengthened the frequency of their presentation.
After each weekly lesson, they made themselves available for questions, comments and concerns. Obviously, the way you eat (more than most habits) ripples out into other areas of your life, and the couple was very receptive to concerns we had about little “bumps in the road” we experienced along the way.
I began to trust the process, that I could see myself “to and through it”. They opened a WhatsApp thread for us all to share keto recipes (including desserts as well as supplements), photos of all that we had been eating, what’s working/not working, and monitored our daily nutritional intake as well.
They tailored food programs to meet the needs of different individuals in the class. There was complete accountability and the support for true lifestyle changes was relentless and ever-present.
With their guidance I began feeling lighter on my feet, getting more done, had better concentration, and ultimately attained my personal target of losing 21 lbs! Rachel & Gui are true pioneers of their field; I would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone like me- who is actively taking steps closer to being the husband, counselor and no-problem type of man he always wanted to be!

When I first reached out to Rewind, I had just been diagnosed with reflux and anemia, for the second time in a span of 4 months. I was constantly tired, lethargic and thought that was just the result of my busy schedule. However, once I started the program with them I was able to see results right from the second week: I started feeling my normal (high) energy back, my reflux symptoms had significantly improved and I started seeing results. I did not anticipate an even skin complex and stable mood throughout the day also. I now have no more reflux symptoms, my energy level is stable throughout the day, and I feel like my skin is glowing. Gui and Rachael’s thoughtful and knowledgeable guidance has been essential to my process! Their support has helped me not only to understand my choices about certain foods, but have instigated in me a deeper curiosity about learning more about leading a healthier lifestyle through a conscious diet. I cannot thank them enough for their guidance and support!

I just want to express my experience. I started the program with you and just like you said to me and my mom, it’s just 3 months of our lives, it’s worth the shot. And as a matter of fact it was! I’ve never thought I could change this much, eating what you taught us, helping us when we were in doubt, helping with the meetings and lessons.
In those 3 months, I’ve lost 14kg, and that’s because the first month I couldn’t exercise. But it wasn’t just the weights loss, but I’m more excited, with more energy, less desire to eat, more knowledge too! I just wanna thank you for everything man!

I tried the 7 day rate my plate with Gui and after 7 days I felt a lot of energy throughout my day and I slept much better and deeper.
I was a little worried about the increase of salt intake but I learned its benefits and how important it is for our health.
After 1 week I’m feeling much better, healthier and energized.
I think everyone should give this diet a try and you will see that it’s not really a diet but a new way to see food.
Oh did I mention I lost 9lbs….in 7 DAYS

I’ve tried a variety of diets throughout my life and none have ever stuck. Gui and Rachael really focus on teaching how to make this a long term change. I’ve lost 8 pounds, reached my goal weight and I feel better than ever! I have high levels of energy, feeling great and confident in my body and I finally understand what my body really needs to feel good. The confusion around what to put in my body is gone! I know exactly what I need to do to keep my body and energy!
Thank you Gui and Rachael for helping me to achieve my goals and become a healthier person! This is not just a diet, it’s a new lifestyle and once you feel all the great benefits you will never want to go back!

Whether it be a question about what I can eat or sharing fun, new recipes, Gui & Rachael have been there with me every step of the way. It has been amazing! The coaching is super helpful, informative and motivating. I feel so much healthier & my Crohn’s symptoms/medication side effects have definitely decreased

Hello from Italy! I reached out for my chronic pain, it felt like I tried everything like yoga, stretching, exercise, supplements but I hadn’t really thought about food… I feel like I’m a healthy person when it comes to food. I thought I knew everything about food. But Rewind really made me realize that I didn’t. They explained lots of things that I’ve never heard of like plant toxins, the different kinds of meat, which veggies I should focus on and remove to avoid inflammation.
Thinking about food as something that can make us sick or make us heal and which toxins to avoid since I have inflammation in my neck and shoulder… that was totally new for me.
I really enjoyed working with you, it’s easy to work with you. You’re very good at explaining difficult or complex things and you made it very easy to understand. Rewind is very knowledgable in this area and you provided resources and books and they were very specific to me and my situation.
I would definitely recommend others to work with Rewind. It’s been a great journey together and you’re so knowledgeable, easy and nice to work with

I decided to try the ‘7 Day Rate My Plate’ I enjoyed my meals, was fully satisfied & had great energy during the day. I felt light, never bloated.
In 7 days my thighs were thinner like I hadn’t seen in over a year. I lost all the extra weight I had been trying to lose after pregnancy & finally got back to my pre pregnancy weight/body.
Gui & Rae are very passionate about what they do & they truly care about our health. They’re devoted to educate & help people to get healthier & to thrive. I ended up enrolling in their 12 week program!