Weightloss is Not a Caloric Issue. It’s a Hormonal Issue

 In Rewind

Nowadays, calories are over glorified and people treat them as if it’s the answer to all their weight loss struggles.

Has anyone ever explained to you how calories are measured? Well, let’s go through it now…

A calorie is a measure of ENERGY not weight or volume. To measure it; food scientists put food in a box, they heat it up without any outside influences and the time it takes to burn completely is the amount of calories it has.

This is where the phrase “burning calories” comes from.

We’re here to tell you that our bodies do not work like that. I’m sure you’re aware that we don’t have a little oven inside us burning the food we eat. What we do have is an intricate system of chemical reactions that break up food so we can absorb its nutrients.

Our intricate system doesn’t care how long a particular food takes to burn up in an oven. What it cares about is the nutrients it can absorb for energy.

This is why calories in vs. calories out doesn’t really make sense if your goal is weight loss.

Weight loss is not a caloric issue; it’s a hormonal one. 

So what you should be focusing on is the hormonal response you get from food. Avoiding foods that will cause a big hormonal response is the way to results. Insulin is the master hormone and it’s what tells our body to hold on to fat or burn it. The food that spikes insulin is, you guessed it, carbs/sugar.

We want to burn fat for weight loss not burn energy (calories) so keeping your insulin levels stable and without big spikes is what you should focus on. Not calories in/calories out.

Calories in/calories out can get you some results but you will also experience hunger and nutrient deficiency which leads to poor health.

Growing up we learned to fear fat and I’m certain that has to do with putting calories in this undeserving pedestal.

Fat has 9 calories per gram while carbohydrates and protein have 4 calories per gram. So if we are taught that calories are important, it makes us think fat is bad for us and we should avoid it and go for other foods with less calories.

Good thing science is telling us today that evolution makes a lot of sense and fearing fat is nonsensical. The sugar industry did everything it could to take the blame away from sugar and place it on saturated fat and salt. Turning our focus on calories was a great sales move for them.

Calories are a small part of the equation, we use it as a marker of quantity but even then it’s extremely variable to each person.

To sum it up, stop killing yourself with counting calories. Start focusing on real, nutrient-dense foods that keep you satiated and doesn’t spike insulin.

Want to get results without calorie restriction and feeling hungry? Schedule a free 1 hour consultation with us!


A calorie is a measure of energy not weight or value. We want to burn fat for weight loss not burn energy (calories) so keeping your insulin levels stable and without big spikes is what you should focus on. Not calories in/calories out.

stop killing yourself with counting calories. Start focusing on real, nutrient-dense foods that keep you satiated and doesn’t spike insulin.

Want to get results without calorie restriction and feeling hungry? Schedule a free 1 hour consultation with us!

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