3 Things You Need to Understand About Sugar

 In Rewind

If you’re in our network, I can safely assume that you all know that sugar is extremely bad for us and detrimental to our health and we all need to drastically reduce or eliminate it. Yes?

The crazy thing about sugar is that it’s so ingrained in our daily lives that most have no idea how to break free from it.

Lucky for you, you found us. And we have broken free from sugar ourselves and have helped many others do the same.

Today, I want to discuss 3 things that you need to understand before you can successfully go sugar free.

  1. Sugar is a drug that has highly addictive properties. This is a strong statement but it doesn’t make it any less TRUE! It has been proven that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. When given the option, rats chose sugar water over cocaine water (Reference).
  1. To quit sugar you need to quit ALL sugar, not just refined sugar. This is a bit controversial for many people. But, our bodies treat sugar the same whether it is a candy bar or an apple.

Yes, you read that right.

Fruit contains A LOT of sugar, some contain more than others of course. This is why fruit is often referred to as Nature’s Candy.

There is a purpose for fruit in our diets ancestrally speaking and that was when fruit was in season… at the end of summer. We used fruit to prepare us for the winter months ahead… and that was it. In other words, we used fruit to get FAT so we can survive winter.

We now have access to fruit year round and this is directly affecting our insulin sensitivity which leads to chronic illness.

Not to mention, today’s fruit has been genetically modified to be sweeter, larger and more appealing to our eyes and palates!

Ok, I know this is hard to grasp and it took me a long time to accept this as well. I was an “apple a day” girl so this was crushing to me. I still consume fruit. Not every day and not a lot.

The fruit I do consume at home are just berries, primarily blackberries and raspberries. This was a huge shift for me but it played a big role in eliminating sugar from my diet and healing my body.

3. Carbs turn into sugar. I’m sorry guys! I’m realizing now that this is probably going to be one of your least favorite emails you receive from us. But check out this image below. Sugar and Carbs ARE THE SAME.


So what does this mean? Foods like rice, pasta, bread, oats, grains, etc… all break down to sugar.

Carbs = Sugar.

And once you understand this, it will be easier to cut sugar from your life and let your body heal, become insulin sensitive, and have better energy!

This was a hard to get through, wasn’t it? I can hear the scoffs through our screens. 😛

I’m sorry, but it’s a tough truth to face and sugar is literally in EVERYTHING which makes it so difficult to remove from our diets. But once you do magical things happen to your body and you’ll feel like a new person! If your body is not constantly fighting the “food” you put in it, it has time to do other things like HEAL.

We are here for you and the first step is to know what we said above and treat sugar as it is, a DRUG.

Click here for our next blog post, we’re going to give you 5 Things To Do To Kick Sugar Cravings!


To kick your sugar addiction you need to know these 3 things:

  1. Sugar is a drug (more addictive than cocaine!)
  2. Fruit is sugar and your body treats it the same as eating a candy bar
  3. Carbs turn into sugar

Once you remove sugar from your body, it can begin to heal. If your body is not constantly fighting the “food” you put in it, it has time to do other things like HEAL. Click here for our next blog post, we’re going to give you 5 Things To Do To Kick Sugar Cravings!

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